Howdy sports fans!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Heads up- our schedule has changed slightly.

From now on, the gym will be open 4:30-8:00pm every evening, available to be used before classes for extra bag work or hitting pads or sparring with other students. It will be available during open gym times as well as class times for strength & conditioning work in the fitness area also. Utilize all the awesome the equipment at your disposal. It’s available for your use.

By popular demand, evening classes will be bumped up to the hour and be held 6:00pm & 7:00pm and no longer be for specific techniques. Classes will include a variety of themes and techniques and be mixture of technical drills and cardio work. Classes will be geared for all levels unless otherwise noted on the schedule.

Please speak up and let us know how the schedule is working out, how you like the changes. More classes will be added and schedule will be adjusted as needed.

Stay Fly homies,

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