Big weekend at SFMT- seminar and fights.

Happy December ladies and gents!

This weekend is a big one at Stay Fly Muay Thai. Saturday will be jam packed with lots of stuff going on.

We will have our normal class at 10am, followed by our kids’ class at 11am. Next, we will be hosting the second installment of our Strength and Conditioning seminar series with our dudes Q and Kik.

The cost for the seminar is $15 and it will be held from 12:00noon-2:00pm.

We will concentrate on the ideas of Stability, Structure, & Power.

Q and Kik have an incredible wealth of knowledge in the fitness world and they are eager to work with our squad again.

It is open to anyone, not just Stay Fly Muay Thai members, so bring friends and tell your neighbors.

The last one was a great success and we’re really excited about delving deeper into the Strength and Conditioning component of our practice with this one.

Register here

Later that day, our very own killer, Mandi, will be fighting in Voorhees, NJ. The fights are just over the bridge, really close to Philadelphia. Mandi has been working her tail off and putting it in. Come see her do the thing and tear some poor girl’s face off!

I am super excited to have her step in the ring for her first sanctioned fight. Get tickets here, make sure you select her name from the drop down menu!

See you guys for an awesome day on Saturday!!!

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