Muay Thai

Muay Thai, or Thaiboxing is considered the world’s most comprehensive striking art. Nicknamed “the art of 8 limbs”, Muay Thai employs punches, kicks, knees & elbows as weapons. Muay Thai evolved from developing ancient battlefield techniques into a modern ring sport, & it has become the national sport of Thailand.

Our Muay Thai program is centered around ring-tested techniques. Hour-long classes usually consist of a warm-up including jumping rope & shadowboxing, then progress into partner drills. A heavy dose of pad work is where most of our curriculum is centered.

Whether your goals include becoming a professional Muay Thai champion or just getting your body moving a bit more, these classes are technique-focused hour that teach students authentic fighting skills in a safe setting. One of the most common motivations for beginning a Muay Thai practice is to increase fitness levels.

No one is in better physical condition than a fighter. The great thing about our Muay Thai classes is that students concentrate on learning & refining skills instead of focusing purely on the workout. The welcome side-effect is that students get in killer shape. It’s much more fun than running on a treadmill.

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