Stay Fly Muay Thai – Philadelphia – New Muay Thai Gear

Hey guys.
We just got some hot new gear from Kimurawear. It’s pretty righteous.
We got sweet new shinguards and sweet new gloves.
The shinguards are for sale for $60, $50 for Stay Fly members.
The gloves are $75, $60 for Stay Fly members.
It will be mandatory that all students have their own gloves, shinguards, mouthguard, and hand wraps for every class.
There will be a one week grace period for new students to purchase their gear.
We will also have equipment available for rent. Gloves and shinguards will cost $2 to rent for a class.
Towels will be available for rent as well for $2 or $1 for a small hand towel.
Water bottles are always for sale for $1.
Also, we’ll be looking to sell a lot of our old loner gear. If you’d like to purchase a pair of gloves or shinguards, let me know!
We’ll sell old pairs of gloves or shinguards for $10 each and our old slip on shinguards for $5.

In addition, we will sell a starter package for $100 that includes gloves, shinguards, hand wraps, and a mouthguard.

Get on it dudes!
Stay Fly,

New Muay Thai Gear
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