Stay Fly Muay Thai – 2016 – The New Year.

It’s difficult to break the routine. You get complacent going about your day. Sometimes you snooze the alarm. You started allowing yourself a cheat meal. Your cheat meal has turned into a cheat day. That has turned to your usual diet. You’ve stop training as often. You started relaxing more.

But now the new year is here, and it’s a natural time to look at how you can restart. You look into your life and see where you can improve. You want to see what habits you can put in place, and you make yourself promises of what you want to change.

We’re doing the same at Stay Fly.
In the new year, we’ll be revamping a lot of areas at the gym. We’ll offer more classes and have more new equipment. Our curriculum will be tighter. Our dedication to you will be more intense.

The first change you can see is that we will be adjusting our schedule slightly to hold a 7:30am AND 11:00am Muay Thai class Monday-Thursday mornings, instead of just one or the other.

Keep your eyes peeled for more updates and upgrades to come very soon

Enjoy the new year. Hold yourself accountable to your promises. Treat yourself well. Stay Fly.

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